Visiting and walking through the most interesting, exciting cities in the world has been difficult for us all lately. But, some helpful YouTube channels have been offering stunning walking tours that allow viewers to walk vicariously through the cameras of locals. If you’d like to experience some virtual travel, for whatever reason, finding the best YouTube virtual walking tours might be your best bet. We’ve done some research for you and have some great suggestions.
Streaming Services
We’ve looked at all the major services out there for streaming movies, shows, and other content. So, if you’re trying to decide which streaming service is right for you, we can help.
The Best Family Streaming Music: How Does Spotify Family Work
If your family is anything like mine, music is both incredibly important and a point of contention almost daily. We all love listening to music, and there is a lot we can agree on. However, music can also be a very personal thing and is often tied directly to a person’s mood. And, my family’s mood is hardly ever the same all at once. And then there’s the issue of monitoring what your kids listen to. So, how do you find the best family streaming music service to fit everyone’s needs? And, how does Spotify Family work?
Cord Shaving vs Cord Cutting: Which One is Right for You?
One of the best things coming out of the cord cutting revolution is the idea that we have total control over what we allow into our homes and how we interact with our entertainment and our information. For some, cord cutting is the answer. For others, a newer idea, cord shaving, is presenting an easier road to follow. One that leads away from the control cable companies have over the content that finds its way into our TVs and other devices. So, let’s take a look at cord shaving vs cord cutting to see which one is right for you.
Best Streaming Services for Traveling: Taking TV on the Road
Hopefully, travel is going to be roaring back very soon and will stay that way for quite a long time to come. And, while it’s important to get away from our devices and plug into the culture and community we’re exploring, there are times when we, as travelers, want to take our movies, TV shows, and other entertainment with us. So, let’s take a look at some of the best streaming services for traveling, no matter where you’re headed.
How to Rent Movies and TV Shows from the Public Library
Those of us who frequent our local libraries are well aware that they’ve stocked movies and TV shows for years and years. Some of us lucky enough to live near a library that doesn’t even charge for movies and shows have made it a habit to visit the video section of our libraries often. Now that many libraries are offering streaming content and free accounts with Kanopy and Hoopla, lots of people are wondering how to rent movies and TV shows from the public library.
(Updated September 2022)
Best Family Shows on Amazon Prime: 2023 Update
Like us, you might agonize over what to watch when everyone settles in for a night or over the weekend wondering what will work for the whole family. Or, maybe you’re just looking for something new to look forward to during shared TV time. Most of the shows in this list are light, mostly funny, … Read more
Best Online Workout Programs for 2021
With the introduction of streaming services and, of course, the pandemic, people are looking for ways to exercise from the comfort of their living rooms. There hasn’t been a more appropriate time than now to find videos online that can guide you through yoga meditations, energetic HIIT routines, and grueling barre programs. We’ve scoured different services to find the best online workout programs for 2021 and who has what it takes when it comes to workout videos so you don’t have to. Enjoy and get ready to sweat!
What Channels are Free with the FireStick: Try These First
As an ongoing project, we’d like to bring you a list of free Firestick channels that are not only free to install on the Amazon Fire TV Stick, but also offer a good amount of content as well. In fact, most apps are free to install. The difference between free and paid channels is whether … Read more
What is a Streaming Service
With so many people learning how to cut the cord with cable TV, streaming video services have become common. Nearly everyone knows the names Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. These movie and TV platforms provide an excellent alternative to cable TV, but exactly what is a streaming service and what do they do?
Best Streaming Services for Seniors (updated for 2023)
Within the last couple of years, seniors have begun to jump on the streaming services bandwagon in larger and larger numbers. Though the majority of them prefer to pay TV over streaming, the number of baby boomers watching TV online is growing. When researching the best streaming service for seniors, there are several issues that we’ve taken into account in order to make some recommendations. We’ll lay those out for you here in this article, and hopefully, we’ll be able to clear up confusion and help you make an informed choice.